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Phil Jbt

A member registered Jan 31, 2021

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(4 edits)

Fantastic! I made multiple runs, that was really fun.
Aim, body awareness and movements are really good.

Here are some small suggestions:

  • Being able to skip any dialogue by hitting TV with a weapon (or throwing at) would be much appreciated
  • Lean range should be amplified
  • Weapons with and without silencer are not considered as different weapon types, which means the first picked up disappears (instead of being dropped)
  • A systematic sound effect when the target on a shooting range is hit is missing
  • Being able to stop the shooting range from running may also be necessary for other players
  • A "restart" button in the ESC menu would be nice (but I don't know if in the final game it will be useful)

The easter egg is gold 馃榿

Hello Reghan !

I think a few audible examples would be much appreciated, otherwise it's impossible to have an idea of the pack's style.

By the way, I love Punchline !